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What's Love Got to Do With It

Should economists pay attention to biological differences between men and women when we try and understand behavior inside and outside the family?  How important are such differences for explaining how fathers and mothers treat sons and daughters?  How important are such differences for understanding differences in the labor market?  How important are such differences for understanding the impact of public policy?

This Friday at noon (ET) I’ll be doing a podcast with Don Cox of Boston College on these and other topics.  After we’re done, I’ll post a link that wil let you hear the conversation on your computer or download to your iPod or MP3 player.  But you can also hear it live and submit questions or comments during the conversation for our reaction via a very cool technology called Macromedia Breeze.  Just go here a little before noon on Friday, enter as a guest, and you’ll hear the conversation and be able to contribute via your keyboard if you want.  It gives  the experience a little bit of the flavor of a call-in talk show.

If you want to get the flavor of Don Cox’s provocative and fascinating views on this general subject, check out this essay.

If you are teaching economics, please encourage students to listen in.

And a thank you for hosting to James Reese and Radioeconomics where you can find other podcasts as well.


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