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Salim Furth helps to expose as mythical the claim that ordinary Americans’ real pay has stagnated over the past several decades [2].  A slice:

High wage growth is universally applauded, but many proposals for raising wages are poorly reasoned. One common policy argument is to choose a period of historically high wage growth, such as the 1960s or the 1990s, and then cherry-pick one or two policies that were in place at the time. Misplaced nostalgia for the 1960s might make pundits pine for strong unions or a large manufacturing sector, but those same pundits would blanch at bringing back most other aspects of the 1960s economy: race and gender segregation in most workplaces, a military draft, low social spending, and high marginal tax rates.

Cass Sunstein reviews (gated) the new volume edited by Sandra Peart, Hayek on Mill: The Mill-Taylor Friendship and Other Writings [3].

My GMU Econ colleague Garett Jones is one of the guests on this week’s Stossel [4] (which aired last night and will air again on Sunday evening on Fox).

My intrepid Mercatus Center colleague Veronique de Rugy has a list of the top foreign buyers of U.S. exports subsidized by that great geyser of cronyism, the U.S. Export-Import Bank [5].

With help from Steve Chapman and Tyler Cowen, David Henderson draws an interesting comparison between Paul Krugman and Benjamin Netanyahu [6].

The great Matt Ridley explains that fossil fuels will save the world – no joking [7].

Seattle is hit with a mysterious rash of restaurant closures! [8]

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