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My intrepid, heroic, and highly effective Mercatus Center colleague Veronique de Rugy exposes the lies told by rent-seeking corporations (and their often-unwitting apologists) in their efforts to reactivate that great geyser of cronyism, the U.S. Export-Import Bank [2].  A slice:

Even if the use of credit supports is good for GE, it doesn’t mean that it is good for the country as a whole. There are many unseen victims of Ex-Im like schemes. Export subsidies tend to boost the jobs and profits of the industries being subsidized but hurt non-subsidized industries by shifting jobs, economic growth, capital and other good stuff from the non-subsidized to the subsidized. If the French government wants to hurt its economy overall to subsidize GE, be my guest. The U.S. government should abstain.

Diane Katz has more [3].

Grad Students: Enter the 2015 Don Lavoie Memorial Graduate Student Essay Competition [4].  (The deadline is October 9th.)

Alberto Mingardi reflects on Fred Smith’s review of Charles Murray’s new book [5].

Steve Landsburg exposes a popish plot to keep poor people poor [6].

Jason Kuznicki warns of the nefarious state. [7]

Steve Horwitz offers prudent strategy on making people freer [8].

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