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Jane Shaw – retiring on Friday as president of the Pope Center for Higher Education Policy – reflects on her eight years at the helm of that organization.

David Henderson shares some thoughts on his reading of Russ’s How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life.

Speaking of Adam Smith, in my most-recent Pittsburgh Tribune-Review column I share some of my favorite quotations from Smith’s An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.

Bob Murphy makes a powerful case against occupational licensing by the state.  A slice:

It is a paradox of our age that the interventionists think the public is too stupid to consult Angie’s List before hiring a lawyer, and so they need politicians to weed out the really bad ones by requiring law licenses. Yet, who determines whether a person (often a lawyer!) is qualified to become a politician? Why, the same group of citizens who were too stupid to pick their own lawyers.

Sally Pipes explains that the costs of Obamacare are rising.

Bjorn Lomborg warns against one of the deadliest forms of pollution still haunting multitudes of human beings.

Speaking of environmental issues, this 2003 essay by Terry Anderson and Laura Huggins on sustainable development is excellent.

Speaking even further of the environment, Ben Zycher alerts us to some grave dangers lurking in modern establishment environmentalism.

On April 11th in Austin, the Future of Freedom Foundation and Young Americans for Liberty will co-host this one day event on stopping the wars on drugs and on terrorism.  The featured speakers are Radley Balko, Glenn Greenwald, and Ron Paul.

Jeff Tucker explores the historical connections between eugenics, racism, ‘progressivism,’ and minimum-wage legislation.  A slice:

The famed Fabian socialist Sidney Webb was as blunt as anyone in his 1912 article “The Economic Theory of the Minimum Wage”:

Legal Minimum Wage positively increases the productivity of the nation’s industry, by ensuring that the surplus of unemployed workmen shall be exclusively the least efficient workmen; or, to put it in another way, by ensuring that all the situations shall be filled by the most efficient operatives who are available.

The intellectual history shows that whole purpose of the minimum wage was to create unemployment among people who the elites did not believe were worthy of holding jobs.

And it gets worse. Webb wrote:

What would be the result of a Legal Minimum Wage on the employer’s persistent desire to use boy labor, girl labor, married women’s labor, the labor of old men, of the feeble-minded, of the decrepit and broken-down invalids and all the other alternatives to the engagement of competent male adult workers at a full Standard Rate? … To put it shortly, all such labor is parasitic on other classes of the community, and is at present employed in this way only because it is parasitic.
