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Unfit for the Presidency

Barack Obama famously declared that Donald Trump is unfit to be president of the United States.  I seldom agree with Obama, but I agree with him here.  Fully.

Donald Trump, however, is not the only 2016 politician who is unfit for the presidency.  Hillary Clinton is unfit to be president of the United States.  So, too, is Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz and Martin O’Malley and Marco Rubio.  And so, too, is Barack Obama.

Indeed, absolutely no one is fit to be president of the United States.  No one is fit to have that much power.  Not Trump, not Clinton (Hillary or Bill), not Obama, not me.

It’s true that some individuals are less unfit than are other individuals to be president of the United States. For all of his many faults, I believe that Ronald Reagan was less unfit to be president of the United States than was either of the Bushes, than was Carter, than was Nixon, than was … the list is long.  And of all the candidates in 2016 for the office that exercises such frightening power, I judge that Gary Johnson is the least unfit among the bunch, although even he is unfit to be president of the United States.  And I judge that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is each especially, and historically, unfit for that office.

No one alive, dead, or yet to be born is, was, or will ever be fit to be president of the United States.

(I’m grateful to my long-time GMU Econ colleague Jim Bennett for the conversation that inspired this post.)
