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Justin Raimondo reminds us of the the history, and well as the ethical and fiscal importance, of the quest to end American military adventurism and what is so sweetly called American “global leadership.  (HT Walter Grinder)

Patrick Eddington argues that the case for pardoning Edward Snowden is getting stronger.  A slice:

Snowden’s actions forced companies like Verizon, Yahoo and others to grow a spine and start defending the Fourth Amendment rights of their customers.

Shikha Dalmia points to yet one more of the countless reasons why it is utterly mistaken for anyone to regard Donald Trump as an opponent of the greedy, grasping, growing state.

Jacob Sullum wonders why law-enforcement authorities treat some people – politically prominent ones – differently than they treat other people.

One of the best books that I’ve ever read on the history and the significance of the textbook economic model of so-called “perfect competition” is Frank Machovec’s 1995 book on the subject, Perfect Competition and the Transformation of Economics.  In this Econ Journal Watch podcast, Frank reflects on that subject.

Speaking of podcasts, this week’s EconTalk is with the grump economist himself, John Cochrane.

Jason Snead writes on the banana-republic-like practice – civil asset forfeiture – that is widespread throughout the supposedly non-banana-republic-like United States of America.

Writing in the Wall Street Journal, George Selgin highlights a curious legal restriction on the Fed’s efforts to raise interest rates.
