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In this podcast, Jonah Goldberg talks trade with Scott Lincicome.

My new Mercatus Center colleague Christine McDaniel, writing in today’s Wall Street Journal, argues for tearing down even the tiniest tariff wall.

Thanks to Robert Wenzel for sharing this short video of Hayek discussing misconceptions about economics.

Sheldon Richman makes the case for ending so-called ‘net neutrality.

Naturally, I’m delighted that Mark Perry made one of his famous Venn diagrams out of a recent Cafe Hayek post.

My colleague Larry White writes about Hayek on central banking and moral hazard.

With this new study, Jacob Bundrick and Thomas Snyder give us reason to doubt the stimulative effects of government subsidies to businesses.

George Will riffs insightfully on the ‘tax reform’ pending in Washington.  A slice:

The Democrats’ denunciation of the Republicans’ tax cuts because they especially benefit the wealthy is a recyclable denunciation of any significant tax cut. The top 1 percent of earners supply 39 percent of income tax revenue, the top 10 percent supply 70 percent, the bottom 50 percent supply 3 percent, 60 percent of households pay either no income taxes (45 percent) or less than 5 percent of their income, and 62 percent of Americans pay more in payroll taxes than in income taxes. So, any tax cut significant to macroeconomic policy — any that might change incentives sufficiently to substantially change businesses’ and individuals’ behaviors — must be primarily a cut for the affluent.
