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A Tradition of Larceny

My good and very talented friend Andy Morriss, a professor of Law and of Economics at Case Western Reserve University, frequently writes letters to the editors of newspapers and magazines.  (I do, too, by the way.)  I especially like this letter that Andy sent a few days ago to the Wall Street Journal.

It should be read along with Russ’s earlier post on this matter.


Since 1972, the Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements (CITA) has been a powerful bureaucracy dedicated to the interests of domestic textile firms with “a protectionist bent.” (“How Textiles Won Quotas,” November 10) You report that “by tradition” CITA is headed by a political appointee “with ties to the textile industry.” I must disagree with your use of the word “tradition” in this context. A special holiday meal eaten each year is a tradition. Having a series of political hacks impoverish American consumers for more than thirty years is grand larceny, not a tradition.

Andrew P. Morriss

Galen J. Roush Professor of Business Law & Regulation

Case School of Law
