Go here and scroll down to near the bottom. It's all good. But this part is the punchline, where he imagines Nancy Pelosi negotiating a car purchase. The picture is good, too:
DEALER: Yes sirree, I can let you have this cherry-red baby for $19,999.99! Plus undercoating and dealer prep.
PELOSI: I'll pay $50,000.

DEALER: For a limited time only, I can throw in remote-controlled eight-way power cupholders, for another $999.99.
PELOSI: I'll buy them at $75,000.
DEALER: Do you want the extended warranty?
PELOSI: No. But I'll pay another $25,000 for it.
DEALER: Aren't you worried something will go wrong?
PELOSI: If it does, I'll just send the bill to the taxpayer.
So you are willing to pay $150,000 for a $20,000 car? I'll have to go
ask my manager! (Disappears into back, pretends to talk to manager,
returns.) Lady, you drive a hard bargain. He says that for $31 billion,
we will give you absolutely nothing at all.