I’d originally planned to include the following items in my most recent “Some Links” post – the one that mentions that today is the 40th anniversary of Richard Nixon’s declaration of a “war on drugs” war on peaceful people who choose to use intoxicants that the government disapproves of. But this bit of history in this unconscionable war is so important that it deserves its own post.
Those of you who believe that the so-called “war on drugs” is not a war on peaceful people, pay special attention, for you’ll find evidence that not only is this war waged against peaceful people who choose to use intoxicants that the government disapproves of but also a war waged against peaceful people who do not necessarily use any officially disapproved intoxicants.
Consider the unspeakably horrible experience in early 1997 of Ms. Janneral Denson. Here’s what I wrote in 1999 about this atrocity. And here’s Ms. Denson’s own testimony before Congress.