Cato@Liberty has such a large number of especially important posts recently that I devote all of today’s “Some Links” post to them. In no particular order…
… Dan Ikenson again clearly and cleanly exposes the Economic Policy Institute “as an unrivaled purveyor of economic nonsense.” For the umpteenth+1 time: EPI’s claim that U.S. trade deficits increase American unemployment – and especially EPI’s claim that it can measure the number of jobs allegedly so “destroyed” – is a comically sad attempt at hocus-pocus wizardry that would embarrass the most thread-bare street-corner magician.
… In this video – as my dear friend Tom Palmer notes – “Russian philosopher Leonid Nikonov explains the differences between socialism, cronyism, and free market capitalism.”
… Chris Edwards reveals that Warren Buffett’s grasp of tax facts is palsied. (Mark Perry chimes in, too, over at Carpe Diem.)
… David Boaz uncovers more evidence of the civilizing properties of commerce.