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Maybe protectionism is best justified for its dietary benefits.  (HT Andy Morriss)

The always-wise and informed Tim Worstall reflects on innovation and creative destruction.

Thank heaven – not! – that government supplies us with infrastructure.  (HT IndianaJim)

I especially like this line –

While we are not told what fairness means, we are told the government can attain it.

– from Merrill Matthews’s short essay on Obama and Teddy Roosevelt (an essay, btw, that helps to explain why I regard T.R. as a candidate for Worst U.S. President Ever; his top competitors [in a competitor-rich field], as I see matters, are Wilson, Roosevelt II, LBJ, Nixon, and Bush II).

Gerry Nicholls pokes jolly good fun at Occupy Christmas.

Howie Rich reflects on Boeing and the N.L.R.B.  (HT Adam Bitely)

Citing, among others, GMU Econ grad Ryan Young, the New York Sun editorializes insightfully on Andy Stern’s recent paean in the WSJ to the large remaining communist part of China’s communist government.  (HT Mary O’Grady)

Here’s Arnold Kling on Deirdre McCloskey and Austrian economics.

Finally, although I have been an avid New Orleans Saints fan since my dad took my brother Ryan and me to the Saints’ first-ever regular-season game (where we were sitting in endzone seats at Tulane Stadium behind John Gilliam when he received the opening kickoff) – and to this day I spend far too much time following them – I dislike the franchise’s origin.  Quoting from the Times-Picayune:

New Orleans got its Saints in 1966 through a classic Louisiana political maneuver. The NFL needed an anti-trust exemption to merge with the AFL, but the powerful duo of Sen. Russell Long and Rep. Hale Boggs — both of Louisiana — stood in their way. A deal was done.

The NFL got its merger, and the city got its team. Just two weeks earlier, voters had approved the money to build the Superdome.

Ugh.  And I’d much-prefer that the Saints leave New Orleans than the citizens of Louisiana be taxed to further subsidize that franchise in any way.  (The late Hale Boggs, btw, is the father of NPR’s Cokie Roberts.)
