The always-enlightening Max Borders offers his thoughts on the origins of envy.
Here’s Ross Kaminsky on creative destruction.
Bryan Caplan optimistically reads Charles Murray’s latest book.
Most people – mercantilism seemingly being the default “theory” guiding the notions of economically untutored (or poorly tutored) folk – will interpret these data, reported over at Carpe Diem, as unambiguous good news. But they aren’t. They are news, but only because they do contradict a prevailing myth about the current state of the U.S. economy and its connectedness with China’s economy. They are not, however, either good new or bad news. Just news. These data might be evidence of an improving economy in America – but they are not necessarily so. (Readers scratching their heads at my comments here are invited to explore my and Russ’s many entries under the “trade” and “balance of payments” categories here at the Cafe.)
I applaud Art Carden’s philosophy of teaching and grading. (HT Mark Perry)
Richard Rahn tells a telling tale of two small countries.
The great Sheldon Richman explains that opposition to imperialism isn’t a fetish for isolationism.
Finally, here’s Richard Epstein on taxing wealth. (HT Vidyohs)