Bryan Caplan tonight in New York City debates, for Intelligence Squared, the proposition “Let anyone take a job anywhere.” It’ll be live-streamed. Bryan, being a first-rate economist and humanitarian, will defend this proposition. (See here.)
And my Mercatus Center colleague Veronique de Rugy on the same.
The great Bruce Yandle writes wisely on the knowledge problem.
EconLog guest blogger Bart Wilson discusses competition policy. Here’s Bart’s closing paragraph:
The bulk of current horizontal merger enforcement is built upon the premise that there is some stationary state of pre- and post-merger competition with a concomitant price. Prices and competition, however, are not ends; they are means, dynamic means for discovering which goods will best serve which customers who each have their own particular circumstances and tastes. Even though firms may discover post-merger that we are willing and able to voluntarily pay more, the important long run rules governing their conduct remain constant: honesty, candor, and ingenuousness. The everyday rules of the game of life that far pre-date the modern market economy still apply. Fairness isn’t an end in markets. Fairness is the very means by which markets work.