Christina Hoff Sommers discusses the myth of the gender wage gap (and, in the process, reveals that at least some prominent members of the “reality-based community” aren’t firmly based in reality). A slice:
What is wrong and embarrassing is the President of the United States reciting a massively discredited factoid. The 23-cent gender pay gap is simply the difference between the average earnings of all men and women working full-time. It does not account for differences in occupations, positions, education, job tenure, or hours worked per week. When all these relevant factors are taken into consideration, the wage gap narrows to about five cents. And no one knows if the five cents is a result of discrimination or some other subtle, hard-to-measure difference between male and female workers. In its fact-checking column on the State of the Union, the Washington Post included the president’s mention of the wage gap in its list of dubious claims. “There is clearly a wage gap, but differences in the life choices of men and women… make it difficult to make simple comparisons.”
James Pethokoukis ponders income inequality.
FEE president Larry Reed offers a Socratic dialogue on minimum-wage legislation.
In the latest Lara-Murphy Report, I am interviewed. (Thanks for the honor, Bob!) Unfortunately, the size of the file is too large to download here at the Cafe, but you can sign up to receive the Lara-Murphy Report here.
Cato’s Michael Tanner writes on the calamity that is Obamacare.
The Heartland Institute’s James M. Taylor ponders, in the pages of USA Today, climate change.
Speaking of climate change, David Friedman is not a member of Greg Mankiw’s Pigou Club.
I have no doubt that los presidentes Chavez and Maduro could point to empirical research that showed that price controls do not lead to shortages – research that, in such cases, is worth far less than the toilet paper upon which it might have been written. The most ironic passage from the Washington Post report that David Boaz refers to is this one:
The arrival of basic staples such as cooking oil, chicken, flour or milk brings Venezuelans running to supermarkets and touches off surreal mob scenes, even as the government imposes price caps and rationing to prevent hoarding.
“Even as….” Imagine the coincidence: supplies of goods and services come up short of demands just as government imposes price caps. Now who’d a-thunk it?