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David Henderson explains that L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling is Exhibit A in support of the thesis – developed by Gary Becker, Armen Alchian, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and other economists – that the market often makes racists act like non-racists.

Speaking of the Donald Sterling incident, Jeff Jacoby offers some wise words.

Jonah Goldberg reflects on pre-Columbian America.

Dan D’Amico here, and George Leef here, discuss the state’s dysfunctional role in fighting – and too often in promoting in various ways – crime.

Eli Dourado and Andrea Castillo – in this new paper published by the Mercatus Center – discuss cybersecurity.

Sita Nataraj Slavov and Benjamin Ho explain the many dimensions of inequality.  A slice:

Of course, one’s income is determined not just by luck of birth but also by choices. Even a risk-averse person might accept that some inequality is necessary to preserve the incentive to work hard. In addition, many individuals make deliberate choices to sacrifice income to improve their lives along other dimensions. For example, a highly talented individual who could have had a high-paying career as an investment banker may instead choose a more satisfying career at a nonprofit or as an academic. By making such a choice, the individual reveals that he or she is better off with the lower income.

Here’s Bob Higgs on Leo Tolstoy.
