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Another Open Letter to A Gentleman Who Is Affiliated With a Group of Evidently Incompetent Business Owners

Mr. Bob Keener
Business for a Fair Minimum Wage

Dear Mr. Keener:

According to your June 30th press release, “DC business owners are welcoming the minimum wage increases effective July 1.  They say … that businesses will benefit from lower employee turnover and increased productivity, product quality and customer satisfaction.”

Let’s get this matter straight.  These business owners are confident that if their lowest-paid workers get a raise the resulting increase in worker productivity will improve these businesses’ bottom lines, yet each of these owners is too daft to take such an available profit-enhancing step on his or her own.  In other words, these are business owners who refrain from running their companies as profitably as possible until and unless they are ordered to do so by politicians.

I’m afraid that your press release proves only that these business owners are so incompetent and clueless that any pronouncements they make about public policies should be utterly ignored.

Donald J. Boudreaux
Professor of Economics
Martha and Nelson Getchell Chair for the Study of Free Market Capitalism at the Mercatus Center
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA  22030


The press release mentioned in my letter arrived in my e-mail box today; it is dated June 30th, 2015.  Yet this press release – titled “DC Businesses Set to Benefit from July 1 Minimum Wage Increases” – doesn’t seem (yet) to be available on-line at the website of this organization-of-evidently-incompetent-business-owners.
