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Reacting to Larry Summers’s case against Donald Trump, David Henderson puts Trump’s many problems in perspective by comparing them to the many problems with Hillary Clinton – Clinton who (as twilight-zonish as this is to write) would likely be even more tyrannical, destructive, and divisive as president than Trump.

And as Jeffrey Tucker explains, the identity of the U.S. president should be of no more importance than is the identify of the manager of your local supermarket.

Writing in Wednesday’s Wall Street Journal, the great labor economist Richard Vedder reflects on changes in economics and in economists that he’s witnessed over the course of his distinguished career.  Here’s his conclusion:

Modern computer technology and increased econometric sophistication sometimes yield useful information about the way the world works economically. But those gains are at least partially offset by the sharp decline in historical consciousness – today’s scholars sometimes think they know it all, having an arrogance arising from historical ignorance, often wasting time and energy relearning lessons that those with a good sense of economic history already know. It is still satisfying, after half a century, to try to counter that ignorance, and to teach young people the logic of the price system, the importance of private property and other institutions for freedom and prosperity.

In this hilarious and spot-on video, the amazingly talented Naomi Brockwell ‘supports’ Bernie Sanders.

I’m eager to read Nature Unbound, a new book by Randy Simmons, Ryan Yonk, and Kenneth Sim.

Phil Magness exposes the shoddy similarities that much of climate science shares with much of Keynesian economics.

On March 31st, the Mercatus Center will host a book launch for the expanded version of my Mercatus Center colleague Adam Thierer’s important book, Permissionless Innovation.

Here are Jon Murphy’s musings on wealth.
