Scott Alexander has the best piece that I’ve yet read on the EpiPen pricing scandal. (HT Alex Tabarrok) (And I agree with Dorothy Olson’s comment, on an earlier “Some Links,” that the Kevin Williamson essay that I there linked to does not adequately treat the nuances of this case.)
My colleague Tyler Cowen is rightly unimpressed with a top H. Clinton advisor.
The excellent economist T. Norman Van Cott explains how to avoid falling for the sunk-cost fallacy.
My Mercatus Center colleague Stefanie Haeffele-Balch, and GMU Econ PhD candidate (and native Louisianan) Scott Burns, ponder Louisiana’s recovery from the recent floods. (In the office today Scott is wearing his “Cajun Navy” t-shirt!)
Elaine Schwartz is correct: passengers should applaud Uber’s surge pricing.
Writing at Forbes, David Henderson shows that paid parental leave is no free lunch – or free leave.