Robert Coleman correctly argues that there is no moral duty to vote for the lesser of two evils.
Oh so now we’re all supposed to have a favorite world leader? Include me out.
Asking a libertarian to name their favorite world leader is like asking a vegan to name their favorite steakhouse.
Dan Mitchell warns us to beware of Hillary Clinton’s greedy, grasping, gouging hand.
A group deserving blame [for today’s rise of populism] are the professors, philosophers, sociologists, economists, and journalists who have committed la trahison des clercs, as Julien Benda called it, or the treason of the clerisy, to use the name given them by Deirdre McCloskey. For more than a century mainstream intellectuals have done nothing but extol the virtues of socialism, harp on the defects of the market, lament the alleged exploitation of the poor, and denounce the immorality of capitalism.