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Some Links

GMU Econ alum, and now Troy State econ professor, David Hebert explains that exports are not benefits but costs.  (Like Dave, I wonder how many are the opponents of free trade who volunteer to pay higher prices at supermarkets and department stores, or who eagerly offer to contribute for free their work efforts to their employers.  I’m pretty sure that the answer is “none” – which implies that these anti-free-traders are intellectually inconsistent.  Calling Mark Perry!)

I was going to blog on Marc Levinson’s recent and badly mistaken Wall Street Journal essay that joins in the chorus alleging loudly in minor chords that the middle-class has stagnated for the past few decades.  But John Cochrane offers a far better response than I can offer.

Nelson Lund, a GMU colleague of mine from over in the law school, champions Americans’ right to bear arms against conservatives who threaten not to recognize that right in full.  Here’s Nelson’s conclusion:

The American right to keep and bear arms, and its continuing value, reflect the reality of human nature and a reasoned response to that reality. The same cannot be said for the views of conservatives who would gut or even repeal the Second Amendment.

George Will explores the perils of (and some reasons for) collegiate “safe spaces.

I don’t agree with Charles Krauthammer on all issues, but I agree that neither H. Clinton nor Trump is fit to work in the Oval Office.  Krauthammer is voting for neither of these creepy people.

GMU Econ alum Mark Perry is correct: trade restrictions and minimum-wage legislation are morally reprehensible means of legitimized plunder.

My Mercatus Center colleague Dan Griswold shows how “Progressive” trade policies – such as those endorsed by Jared Bernstein and Lori Wallach – neglect the poor.
