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Mark Perry wonders if digital dark matter helps explain the recent measured slowdown in GDP growth.

In my most-recent Pittsburgh Tribune-Review column, I identify some red herrings that disrupt and distort economic discussions.  A slice:

Another red herring is the alleged loss of the home-government’s sovereignty caused by trade agreements — agreements such as the pending Trans Pacific Partnership. Ignore here the fact that all intergovernmental agreements necessarily involve each signatory agreeing to curtail its range of action. (A government no more sacrifices its sovereignty by entering into treaties and other agreements with foreign governments than you sacrifice your sovereignty by entering into contracts with other individuals.) In my experience, everyone who complains about the alleged “loss of sovereignty” from trade agreements really objects to the trade-liberalizing effects of such agreements. Unable to make sound economic arguments against freer trade, protectionists resort to the cheap scare tactic of warning, without basis or logic, that trade agreements undermine the home-government’s sovereignty.

This video – which features an appearance by the historian Steve Davies – correctly argues that the Great Depression was not ended by World War II.

Jeff Jacoby is rightly disappointed at those conservatives who excuse Donald Trump’s immoral character.

Joseph Metzger explains, from first-hand experience, the damage wrought by the Obama administration’s new rules for overtime pay.

Richard Ebeling offers a brief history of mercantilism.

My colleague Bryan Caplan exposes the reality of elections.
