U.S. producers exported more than $1 trillion in manufactured products in 2016. The critics will respond that we imported even more — $1.8 billion — but the export numbers do expose the false claim that Americans just don’t make anything anymore. We make lost of stuff that the world’s consumers are eager to buy
The stuff we export is higher-end machinery, aircraft, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and semiconductors, while the stuff we import tends to be lower-end consumer goods such as clothing, shoes, toys, and furniture.
Radley Balko exhaustively reviews the likely pros and cons of an Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch.
Mark Perry, with help from Richard McKenzie, reflects on the errors of “jobism.”
Brittany Hunter rightly complains that highway robbery has just received Trump’s seal of approval.
Sam Staley reviews The Founder.
Here’s more from my intrepid Mercatus Center colleague Veronique de Rugy on the GOP’s proposed “border-adjustment” tax. (But note to Veronique: stop calling statists “liberals.” They’re not liberal; they are the very opposite.)