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The Wall Street Journal reports on the principled pro-freedom stance of U.S. Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI).  A slice:

Mr. Amash says his opposition is based on principle, as a libertarian concerned about government overreach and adherence to the Constitution. While many Republican lawmakers hold similar beliefs, Mr. Amash has been an especially outspoken proponent of smaller government, even on issues—such as reducing surveillance—where his views put him out of step with the more mainstream elements of the GOP.

I was disappointed by Judy Shelton’s recent piece, in the Wall Street Journal, on currency manipulation.  Fortunately, two letters in response go a long way toward correcting the errors that run through her essay.  Here’s one of the letters:

Regarding Judy Shelton’s “Currency Manipulation Is a Real Problem” (op-ed, Feb. 14): Ms. Shelton describes China’s policy of not allowing more than a 2% daily change in the dollar/yuan rate as an example of currency manipulation. It looks to me more like an attempt to avoid wild market fluctuations.

Of greater concern is her belief that currency devaluation is somehow the road to riches because it stimulates a country’s exports. She forgets the other side of the equation. When a country’s currency is devalued, its imports become more expensive. Higher prices push a country’s standard of living downward. If the U.S. devalued its currency, we would have more exports and export-related jobs, but import prices would go up. There would be fewer import-related jobs and generally higher prices and a lower standard of living. There is simply no way for a country to cheat its way to prosperity by manipulating its currency.

John Pearson
Alexandria, Va.

Samuel Hammond exposes the myth of the welfare-dependent immigrant.

David Theroux remembers the late Michael Novak.  And so, too, does David Henderson.

Jeff Jacoby reminds us of Millard Fillmore’s unsavoriness – unsavoriness not unlike the unsavoriness of the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.

Sam Staley reviews Moonlight.

In this LearnLiberty video, philosopher Peter Jaworski eloquently argues that if you can do it for free, you should be free to do it for money.

Chelsea German and Marian Tupy point out what should be evident – but, to some, isn’t: namely, capitalism will not cause the masses to starve to death.  (HT George Leef)
