Dan Mitchell exposes the thuggery and cronyism that is occupational licensing.
Valentin Schmid writes about the Austrian school of economics. (HT Tom Elia)
Jeff Jacoby bemoans the over-the-top hysteria of too many ‘discussion’ of health-care policy.
Speaking of health-care policy, here are some sound suggestions by Levi Russell. And here’s my colleague Tyler Cowen.
Robin Koerner warns against arrogance – and, especially, the combination of arrogance with power.
David Henderson finds a flaw in Greg Mankiw’s treatment of externalities.
Ilya Somin, of GMU’s Scalia law school, explains how federalism can help the poor.
Sheldon Richman identifies the Orwellian nature of too much tax talk. A slice:
Consider Jimmy Kimmel‘s appeal for “free” medical care. No decent person can help feeling sympathy for Kimmel and his ill child. But emotion should not cloud our judgment. When he says that no one should be denied medical care because he or she can’t afford it, he means that other people ought to be forced to pay for those services whenever the need is thought—by whom?—great enough. Why not say that openly? There’s no common pool of medical services or money to be drawn from.