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Despite the interviewer’s repeated efforts to lead Michael Ruhlman to focus on the downsides of modern supermarkets, Ruhlman – author of Grocery: The Buying and Selling of Food in America – continues throughout to sing the praises of this modern marvel.  A slice:

The thing I see most now is just the extraordinary bounty of what’s in a grocery store. We tend to walk by so many different things without thinking of them, just grabbing what we typically grab, but now I see the bewildering variety of foods that are available to us not just occasionally but seven days a week, pretty much whenever we want them. It’s something of a miracle that we created a system like this where we have nutritious food available to us all the time, at a relatively low, reasonable cost. I didn’t expect to appreciate grocery stores as much as I do now.

George Will rightly bemoans the obstructiveness of state hubris.

Ryan Bourne looks rationally at spending on infrastructure.

Sarah Skwire again draws timely lessons from history.

Brittany Hunter applauds the Museum of Failure.

Xingyuan Feng, Weisen Li, and Evan W. Osborne survey classical liberalism in China.

C.J. Ciaramella further reveals the ugliness  and lawlessness of that banana-republic tactic so beloved by so-called “law-enforcement officials” in America: civil asset forfeiture.

Kevin Williamson, who’s always been good, just keeps getting better.  Here’s Williamson on housing.  (HT Warren Smith)  A slice:

How this works in the real world is obvious to everybody who doesn’t write for the Washington Post: The median cost of a new car in the United States is about $34,000, which is well out of reach for most minimum-wage earners. You know how minimum-wage earners get around that problem? They buy cars that cost a heck of a lot less than the median — or they buy used cars, share cars, take the bus, etc. Minimum-wage workers solve the problem of relatively high rents by choosing accommodations that are well under the 50th or 40th percentile — or by having roommates, living with their families, etc. The relationship between the minimum wage and the median or near-median rent is an entirely artificial problem cooked up by organizations that want more federal spending on low-income housing (NLIHA) or by politicians arguing for a higher minimum wage. The latter is especially popular during campaign season.
