The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism is now on-line and ungated.
Unskilled immigrants do not harm Americans.
Jairaj Devadiga explains that jobs are destroyed by government, not by innovation.
Doug Badger is not impressed with Obamacare. A slice:
Obamacare is insuring more poor people and uninsuring millions of middle-income people. That suits the Democratic party and many congressional Republicans just fine. They measure social progress in the number of people receiving government assistance. Those struggling to pay their own way evoke little sympathy. Lawmakers of both parties, whose consciences were lacerated by CBO’s theory that millions would “lose” coverage under the GOP’s “repeal and replace” legislation (most of those “losses” the result of people voluntarily dropping insurance once the individual mandate was repealed) are unmoved that millions actually have lost coverage under the law they fought to preserve.
Jeff Miron makes the case for ending the so-called “war on drugs.”
U.S. Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) is one of the rare politicians who talks good sense about trade. A slice:
When a Canadian company decides to invest in a U.S.-based company, it increases our trade deficit. Similarly, when the Mexican government buys U.S. Treasury bonds (as most of the world does), the likelihood of an American trade deficit increases. Investments such as these are indicative of a strong economy.
It should be an encouraging sign that we are by far the world’s largest receiver of foreign direct investment. Our trade deficit means, in part, that U.S. companies are considered to be a better investment than companies in other countries. More investment in American businesses means more jobs and higher wages for American workers.
(One small correction: more foreign investment in America doesn’t mean more jobs in America. Instead, it means different and better jobs in America – the creation of which is chiefly how such investment raises wages in America.)
Russ Roberts’s latest EconTalk podcast is with my colleague Tyler Cowen.
Randy Holcombe writes about tax reform: here, and here.