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Marian Tupy is understandably unimpressed with the accuracy of many environmentalists’ predictions.

George Will is understandably unimpressed with the economic and the constitutional understanding of Seattle’s city government.  (Among the irresponsible antics of Seattle’s solons that George Will highlights is their greedy insistence on signaling their pretend humanity by enacting minimum-wage legislation.  They enact such legislation despite the fact that their doing so harms many of the low-skilled workers that these “Progressives” tell themselves, on the way in their Priuses to their yoga classes, is really good for low-skilled workers.)

Here’s my GMU Econ colleague Larry White on India’s failed demonetization program.

My Mercatus Center colleague Bob Graboyes rightly ridicules what he calls “hurricane doofonomics.

Mark Perry uses Venn diagrams to very good effect!  (Thankfully, Trump just announced that he will, after all, waive the Jones Act for the current effort to help Puerto Ricans recover from the recent hurricanes.  Although, “thankfully” really isn’t an appropriate word here.  Thanking a government official for waiving a protectionist measure such as the Jones Act is akin to thanking a thief who regularly burgles your home for delaying his next planned burglary of your home until you recover from some other misfortune.)

Jeff Tucker explains that if you despise Trumpism, you should favor tax cuts.

Jonah Goldberg wonders if Americans still believe in the right to be wrong.  A slice:

We are a long way off from putting beliefs of the mind to the judgment of the sword, but that is the logical destination of the path we are on, because we have lost faith in the utility of upholding the right to be wrong.

Jeff Jacoby writes sensibly about the playing of the U.S. national anthem at sporting events.

Scott Winship asks: What explains the falling labor-force participate rate of American men?
