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Bill Shughart remembers the great Fred McChesney.  David Henderson also remembers Fred.

Here’s an op-ed that Fred had two years ago in the Washington Post; it showcases Fred’s scholarly creativity and insightfulness.

Inu Manak is right to call on everyone simply to cool it on protectionism.

Gary Wolfram explains the solid case against prohibitions on so-called “price gouging.

Shikha Dalmia rightly scolds Trumpian nativists.

Bryan Caplan reflects on his recent debate on immigration.

Nicolas Cachanosky warns of the danger of populism.

Brittany Hunter correctly points out that technology is no friend of monopolists or of monopolist wannabes.

Richard Epstein explores efforts to make health care in America great again.

Sheldon Richman ponders the state of freedom in America today.

In my latest column in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review I emphasize the unpopular but indisputably correct reality that a society with mass prosperity cannot also be a society with security in particular jobs.  A slice:

Indeed, in the U.S. today, roughly 1.7 million jobs are destroyed each month. Compare that to the total of U.S. jobs destroyed by increased trade with China between 1999 and 2011: 2.4 million. That’s correct: In less than any ordinary two-month period in America, the total number of jobs destroyed is greater than the number of jobs destroyed by trade with China during the 21st century’s entire first decade. If you wonder why we’re not suffering massive unemployment, the reason is that, on average, slightly more than 1.7 million jobs are created each month.

Jobs are constantly being destroyed while others are created — a necessary feature of the market economy which generates our enormously high standard of living. Our widespread prosperity would be impossible without it.
