My friend Ken Elzinga, a long-time member of the economics faculty at the University of Virginia, was for well over a decade a colleague at UVA Econ of Leland Yeager. Last week when I heard of Leland’s death in Auburn (where Leland lived since moving from Charlottesville in January 1985), Ken was among the first people I wrote to see if they’d heard the sad news of Leland’s death. Below, in full, is Ken’s reply. I share it here with Ken’s kind permission.
Hi Don,
Yes, I had heard of Leland’s death. I had been thinking about Leland lately, in part because I’d not heard from him for awhile, or had any contact.
I am saddened by his death. He was a great scholar – with a deep appreciation for the “obvious and simple system of natural liberty.”
To my knowledge, Leland never hurt anyone, and yet he was treated scandalously by some in our profession (and in my Department and University).
I retain so many fond memories of Leland. I know you do too. It was a privilege for me to be his colleague.
under His mercy,