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Kevin Williamson gives two cheers to income differences. A slice:

The American political scene does not look the way it does because American politics is dominated by billionaires. If the American political system were dominated by billionaires, Donald J. Trump would not have been the Republican nominee in 2016 and probably would not be president. If the Koch brothers had their way, gay marriage would have been legal a long time before it was, corporate welfare would be a thing of the past, and there would be broad decriminalization of drugs. If Jeff Bezos were king for a day, the results probably would not cheer the hearts of many Americans in red caps.

My GMU Econ colleague Bryan Caplan offers an insightful observation about those who call classical liberals and libertarians “neo-liberals.”

My former teacher Randy Holcombe explains why Trump should abandon his quest to force American taxpayers to fund a wall that obstructs non-Americans from coming here, overwhelmingly, to work for Americans.

Megan McArdle details some of the problems with Elizabeth Warren’s latest proposal to prey on wealthy Americans.

Speaking of efforts to prey on wealthy people, Emily Ekins explores the mindset of the predators.

My Mercatus Center colleague Dan Griswold makes the case that Trump is wrong to insist that his border wall will reduce crime:

President Trump’s alleged link between levels of immigration and crime has never been supported by the facts. Study after study has shown that immigrants, both legal and illegal, are less likely to commit crimes and be incarcerated in the United States than native-born Americans.

Here’s Dan Mitchell, complete with a new video, on the evidence-based case for free trade.
