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David Bernstein – a GMU colleague from over in the Scalia law school – writes wisely about presidential assertions of power, such as Trump absurdly declaring a ‘national emergency’ in order to get taxpayer funds to build a border wall.

Also on Trump’s trumped-up emergency declaration is Cato’s Ilya Shapiro.

Matt Welch explores Trump’s trumped-up emergency declaration from an angle too often ignored.

James Pethokoukis injects some reality into the discussion about wealth inequality.

Richard Ebeling accurately describes the fairyland vision of Green New Dealers as a nightmare.

My GMU Econ colleague Bryan Caplan is a renegade.

Gary Galles reminds us of Jean-Baptiste Say’s great defense of private property. A slice:

As Larry Sechrest noted, J.B. Say was “precise and yet as simple as possible, so that any literate, reasonably intelligent person can comprehend his meaning.” However, Americans have been governed by violators of those principles because [as Say said] “agents of public authority…can enforce error and absurdity at the point of the bayonet.”

Jeff Jacoby recalls U.S. President Benjamin Harrison. A slice:

From the perspective of a 21st-century American, the election of 1888 and the Harrison administration that followed are a reminder of an inconvenient truth about political parties: They exist to fight and win elections, not to uphold permanent principles.

Here’s the great University of Virginia philosopher Loren Lomasky on democracy.
