George Will explains the danger of dabbling in protectionism. A slice:
Protectionists, who are comfortable with cognitive dissonance, say their policy is necessary because economic conditions would be even better with more protection. And they say protection is harmless because existing protectionist measures have not prevented conditions from being optimal.
Art Carden advises us to read Hayek as if our children’s lives depend upon it.
John Tamny busts a myth about Amazon’s alleged “sweat shops.”
“New Study Sees Major Gains from Jones Act Reform”
Matt Ridley warns of the dangers being protected from vaping. Here’s his conclusion:
Vaping is the perfect example of a voluntary innovation derived from free enterprise that delivers better human health, at no cost to the taxpayer, and no inconvenience to society — and causes pleasure. I neither smoke nor vape and have no financial interest in either, but I wish it every success.