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George Will, inspired by the Cato Institute’s Simon Abundance Index, reminds us of the superabundance of environmental doomsaying – and of the creative power of free people.

Speaking of George Will, John Tamny reviews his latest book, The Conservative Sensibility. A slice from John’s review:

This destruction of the Constitution is seemingly rooted in a failure on the part of Congress, and a judiciary that isn’t activist enough, to limit the power of the presidency. Here is where Will is his most fascinating in a book that was already hard to put down. About the presidency, Will writes that the “very parsimony of Article II’s language about presidential power has facilitated the growth of that power.” As Will sees it, we’ve invested far too much majesty in the presidency. Amen. Conservatives and liberals will never admit it, but when they claimed that a loss for their preferred presidential candidate in 2016 would mark the beginning of rapid American decline, they were thoroughly insulting the country they claim to love. If one person can wreck a country, it’s arguably not worth saving in the first place.

My intrepid Mercatus Center colleague Veronique de Rugy busts the myth that Trump’s economic nationalism is really Trump “standing up” for Americans.

From 2004 is this excellent piece by Bob Murphy exposing the fallacy that says that in a world of international factor mobility, the principle of comparative advantage – and the case for a policy of unilateral free trade – no longer applies.

Here’s David Henderson’s list of the worst regulations so far, in the United States, of the 21st century.

Jonah Goldberg ponders today’s divide amongst American conservatives.
