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George Mason University Econ alum Wayne Brough writes wisely about 5G technology. A slice:

In the United States, both Verizon and AT&T already are selling 5G products, a metric that puts the nation ahead of China. By another metric — nationwide deployment — many analysts believe China will be first across the finish line. But it must be remembered that the promise of 5G requires more than deployment. Ultimately, it is the rollout of the Internet of Things with virtually instantaneous communications between humans as well as machines. It is an exponential leap in connectivity that can transform economic activity. But doing so requires entrepreneurship and innovation, qualities that are better left to the private sector. Open and competitive markets have allowed U.S. firms to excel and dominate global markets, as can be seen by U.S. leadership in the tech sector. Achieving the full potential of a 5G economy can only be accomplished through policies that empower the private sector to build our connected future.

Jeffrey Tucker wonders if you, too, are an individualist.

In my latest column for AIER, I offer some reasons why opponents of immigration are mistaken to analogize a nation to a house. A slice:

Analogizing a nation to a home fosters the myth that citizens of a nation can, and do, trust each other in ways that members of the same household typically trust each other. But of course, when I lock my home at night I do so largely to guard against violence and theft that might otherwise be inflicted on me by other Americans. If every foreigner were immediately and forever expelled from the United States, I would be not one whit less vigilant in locking my home.

“Americans are moving from higher-tax states to lower-tax states” – so begins this informative post by Chris Edwards.

David Henderson reviews Trump’s record of deregulation.

George Will is understandably distressed by the silliness of the Democratic candidates for their party’s nomination to challenge Trump in 2020. A slice:

Many Democrats striving to replace President Trump are, while execrating him, paying him the sincerest form of flattery: imitation. He prepared to campaign for president by calling the United States a “hellhole,” and he began his presidency with an inaugural address that his would-be replacements are mimicking with their versions of his trope about “American carnage.”
