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George Will explains that the structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau violates the U.S. Constitution. A slice:

Ideally, the court will hold that the CFPB’s structure regarding its director — never mind its other gross defects — is unconstitutional. It is generally wholesome to prune presidential power, which has grown in tandem with Congress’s desire to delegate its powers to other institutions. Sometimes this desire is symptomatic of sloth. Other times it is symptomatic of defeatism, acknowledging the impossibility of Congress directing or even monitoring the sprawling administrative state that Congress has created. In this case, however, the court’s protection of presidential power would rebuke Congress for its slapdash construction of a CFPB that fits nowhere in the Constitution’s tripartite design of government.

Yale University historian Carlos Eire is rightly appalled by Bernie Sanders’s failure to be appalled by Castro’s Cuba. Here’s Prof. Eire’s conclusion:

The “good” things Sanders finds in communist Cuba should seem immensely disturbing to Americans, even frightening. His vehemence in defending these “good” things, which in truth are hollow victories stained with blood, should also set off alarms, for this peculiar obsession reveals more than some character flaw.

Sanders’s insistence on finding positive things to say about Fidel Castro might be the clearest indication he has yet given American voters of his own sources of inspiration, and of his vision for the future of the United States.

Also appalled by Sanders’s appalling admiration for tyrants is Yuri Pérez. (I note here that, therefore, we all should be equally appalled by the appalling admiration of so many American Democrats for Sanders.)

Nick Train reviews Virgil Storr’s and Ginny Choi’s Do Markets Corrupt Our Morals?

Arnold Kling points us to John Tierney’s explanation of how modern environmentalists’ superstitions are bad for the environment.

Joseph Connors, James Gwartney, and Hugo Montesinos document and celebrate what they call “the transportation-communication revolution.” A slice:

Currently, the world is in the midst of a second economic revolution that is both broader and stronger than the Industrial Revolution, but few are aware of it. During the past half century, expansion in international trade, increased entrepreneurial activities, improvements in economic institutions, and changes in demographics have triggered a remarkable increase in the living standards of people throughout the world.
