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Stacey Rudin applauds the anti-lockdowners. A slice:

Proponents of the competing narrative [that is, the narrative opposing the lockdowns], on the other hand, must stand up to massive social forces simply to make their arguments, which are not radical: they support a return to classic pandemic management tools, the same ones used by Sweden and other states and countries which did not lock down for COVID19, which resulted in average mortality for 2020. They do not believe this pandemic warrants a complete overhaul of the economic, social, and educational systems. They believe that every human being should be empowered with truthful information about risk and how to best care for personal health, and to make his or her own choices.

David Henderson pushes back against Tyler Cowen’s argument that Covid-19’s heavily disproportionate negative impact on the elderly is irrelevant.

Art Carden explains why America will not be moved toward ‘greatness’ by Walmart’s commitment to “Buy American.”

Michael Dirda recently re-read Robert Penn Warren’s brilliant novel All the King’s Men – and he still (quite understandably) loves it.

James Pethokoukis speaks out against the proposal for a $15-per-hour minimum wage.

Scott Lincicome writes insightfully about the politics of protectionism.

Steve Landsburg ponders, with his usual incisiveness, the state of the union – and of western civilization. That state is now in very poor condition. A slice:

1) Liberalism — by which I mean the societal presumption that it’s okay for people to disagree about fundamental things and not have to kill each other over it — and even better that they can live in harmony and respect their differences — is only a few hundred years old. It is also, I suspect, a lot more fragile than it appears to those of us who have had the good fortune to live in a time and place where we could take it for granted.

2) Not coincidentally, prosperity — by which I mean that a great many people are not starving — is approximately the same age, and likely to be just as fragile. A few hundred years is, in historical time, the blink of an eye.
