I suggested earlier that serious political candidates are never sincere. I take that back. Sometimes — alas, not often, but sometimes — sincerity happens on the campaign trail. I sincerely believe that the tears Hillary Clinton shed yesterday in New Hampshire were shed sincerely. But contrary to much of the spin put on that episode, I don’t believe that those tears expose any admirable soft spots in Hillary Clinton.
As I say, I suspect that her tears were
genuine. After all, she cried not because of some real or imagined affront to herself, to her family, or to a favored political group; nor did she
cry over any of her failures. Instead, Sen. Clinton cried over her own
lust for power. Her emotion was sparked by her self-admiration. She
got all choked up when she suggested how indispensable she is to
America and when she reflected upon – perhaps a better phrase is
"wallowed in" – her own magnanimity at being willing to endure the
awful hardship of being President of the United States.
Relatedly, as my friend and Wall Street Journal
columnist Mary Anastasia O’Grady points out to me in a personal e-mail, Sen. Clinton "never
cried over the betrayal in her marriage but what made her cry was the
possibility that she would lose power."