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Cato’s Dan Ikenson is rightly distressed that government policies in the U.S. increasingly discourage investment in America.  Here’s a slice:

Unlike ever before, the world’s producers have a wealth of options when it comes to where and how they organize product development, production, assembly, distribution, and other functions on the continuum from product conception to consumption. As businesses look to the most productive combinations of labor and capital, to the most efficient production processes, and to the best ways of getting products and services to market, perceptions about the business environment can be determinative. In a global economy, “offshoring” is an inevitable consequence of competition.

David Friedman nicely summarizes one of my all-time favorite articles in economics: Peg Brinig’s “Rings and Promises.

James Pethokoukis casts doubt on the claim that intergenerational economic mobility is as low as Pres. Obama and many other “Progressives” claim it to be.

Steve Landsburg is reading Robert Caro’s multi-volume biography of L.B.J.  Seems that, so far at least, Steve is less impressed than are most readers of Caro’s study.

Art Carden asks who is more likely to win an ideological Turing test: young ‘Progressives’ or young conservatives?

Sarah Skwire finds Austrian-economics insights in the novels of Jane Austen.

Randy Holcombe explains yet another way in which the state is intruding even further and more frighteningly into our private lives.

Superb news!  My former GMU Econ colleague – and now Professor of Economics at Chapman University – Bart Wilson will guest blog at EconLog.


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