A good rule of thumb is to start by viewing the problem in real terms rather than focusing on “finance capital.”
Libertarians are not conservative – not mainstream, not “alt,” not “paleo,” not conservative at all.
From Bob Higgs, on his Facebook page:
It is completely absurd for government officials and functionaries to tell the American public that marijuana has no health benefits when millions — maybe tens of millions — of Americans know from personal experience that it does have such benefits. These tyrants look you straight in the eye and tell you that up is down and night is day. In the shadows, Kafka smiles knowingly.
As these stories [in today’s newspapers] make clear, the problem is not benevolent but ham-handed interventionism. The problem, much tougher, is best described as “cronyism.” A veneer of public purpose stifles markets, to drive profits to connected parties in return for political support.
Warren Meyer corrects a misperception – caused by poor use and interpretation of statistics – about cross-country estimates of poverty. A slice (but here, especially, do read the whole thing):
One of the dirty secrets about poverty measurement is that the actual measurement seldom has anything to do with absolute well-being. And this is the case with the OECD numbers. The OECD’s poverty measurement is based on the country’s median income, and is the percentage of people who are below a certain percentage (generally 50%) of the country’s own median income.
Marian Tupy examines Robert Mugabe’s lamentable legacy in Zimbabwe.