No society can truly flourish when a significant portion of its people feel threatened or unable to fulfill their potential. Nor can it prosper by excluding those who want to make positive contributions. This isn’t just a noble principle; it’s a basic fact, borne out through our national history.
Dreamers are doing their part. They have shown great faith in the United States by coming forward, subjecting themselves to background checks, and submitting personal and biometric data.
Now, the rest of us need to do our part. Congress should act quickly, ideally before year’s end, to ensure that these decent people can work and stay and dream in the United States.
Here’s the Fraser Institute’s newly released Economic Freedom of North America 2017. (Dean Stansel, the primary author, tells me that GMU Econ alum Meg Tuszynski supplied invaluable help on this project.)
George Will reflects eloquently on the failed candidacy of the truly scary Roy Moore.
Kyle Swan busts some myths about so-called ‘net neutrality.‘
Ryan Ferguson explains that a job is not a thing.
Mark Perry updates Bastiat’s classic “The Candlemakers’ Petition.”
“The sad paradox of free markets.”
Bruce Yandle asks if the U.S. economy is surging or sleepwalking.