Yesterday I noted the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Institute for Justice. Today comes further evidence – which thrills me to my marrow – for why this great institution deserves our applause and support:
The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals today issued a unanimous opinion granting victory to cancer patients and their supporters from across the nation in a landmark constitutional challenge brought against the U.S. Attorney General. The lawsuit, filed by the Institute for Justice on behalf of cancer patients, their families, an internationally renowned marrow-transplant surgeon, and a California nonprofit group, seeks to allow individuals to create a pilot program that would encourage more bone-marrow donations by offering modest compensation—such as a scholarship or housing allowance—to donors. The program had been blocked by a federal law, the National Organ Transplant Act (NOTA), which makes compensating donors of these renewable cells a major felony punishable by up to five years in prison.
I’ve yet to read Alex Tabarrok’s new e-book, but I join Bryan Caplan in cheering its publication!
George Will explains some unintended consequences of racial preferences.
The indomitable George Selgin discusses NGDP targeting.
Bob Higgs explains the sorry reality that government is rapidly expropriating private wealth. (This activity, alas, is one for which government enjoys a decided comparative advantage.)
Nick Schulz identifies three inconvenient truths for OWSers.
And Jonah Goldberg hits a home run.